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FE Crandall offers curbside trash and recycling service for residential customers.  Have a bigger project to do?  We also offer dumpster services to our residential customers as well.  Call for pricing.

Our recycling program is based on single stream recycling.  This means no more seperating recyclables.  Bottles, cans, plastic and papers can all go into one container.


Here is a list of recyclable materials:

Rinsed Plastic Bottles
& Jugs, Glass Bottles & Jars, Rinsed Cans, Paper Milk/Juice Cartons Rinsed Clean, Aluminum Foil, Aluminum Pans, Empty Aerosol Cans, Newspaper, Magazines, Cardboard, Catalogs, Phone Books, Junk Mail, Greeting Cards, Paper Egg Cartons, Paperback Books, Phonebooks, File Folders


Unacceptable Items:
No oil soaked pizza boxes
No Plastic Bags
No soiled aluminum foil, tin cans, cardboard, napkins, paper 
No pots and pans
No wax paper, pet food bags shredded paper, dryer sheets, 
No windowpane, plated, windshield glass, ceramics, candle glass, light bulbs

No Trash, Food Waste, Yard Waste, Bulky Waste, Electronics, Styrofoam

No Hazardous Materials accepted in Recycling or Trash



We will be closed a few holidays out of the year.  In the event the holiday is on your trash day, it will be collected the following business day.  Here is a list of celebrated holidays.  Check our Facebook page out for updates. 


New Year's Day

Memorial Day

4th of July

Labor Day

Thanksgiving Day

Christmas Day

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